3113 Ledo Rd Leesburg, GA 31763 229-518-9555

Read Our Reviews For Top Rated Dealer In Leesburg, GA

Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Apr 25, 2024
We recently bought a Jeep Wrangler and it started having trouble before getting home, it was picked back up and delivered back within the next week fixed! We had great customer service! I definitely recommend this dealership!
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Sep 14, 2022
I just got a fort f150 from these people and they were so helpful and were very sweet and just great people to work with very happy with my purchase
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Aug 23, 2022
These people are the best! I've bought five trucks from them and sent a friend to them also to get a truck and their customer service and quality of trucks are unmatched. They will go out of their way to get the job done! Talk to big money Cole or James.
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Aug 3, 2022
Waited a hour past closing time for me and my wife to get to their place from W.R. Cole met us outside in the rain and gave us keys to the truck I wanted ,we will be back, had a deal in ten minutes to buy. They gave me full trade in on my car $26.000. Ask for Cole, very nice young man.
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Apr 16, 2022
We just purchased a truck from this dealership and a wonderful experience in doing so. The staff was pleasant, efficient and at no time pressured us to buy the vehicle. The truck was serviced and cleaned and ready to drive upon arrival - the product spoke for itself! We highly recommend these people if you see something you like. Don't miss out!
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Jan 18, 2022
I purchased a 2017 Acura MDX. These guys are great to work with. Great customer service. A very pleasant experience.
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Jan 14, 2022
Good Great customer service I brought a 2015 Ford F-150 Lariat FX 4 From these guys and it’s a great truck I love it
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
Nov 29, 2021
Nice people got a great dill on my 2014 F150 …got it at the price I wanted.. no Hassles just straight to the point ..
Albany Quality Cars Albany Quality Cars
219-518-9555 $$$
8 Testimonials
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